And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love

Romans 5:5 NLT

Welcome to Pink Impact

About Us

Pink impact is a non-denominational ministry with a mandate to inspire, impact and empower girls and women to walk every day of their lives in victory through God’s Word. This place of victory is realised when we believe the extraordinary gift of a New Creation that God gave us through Jesus Christ yet we never deserved it.

Out of His great generosity, God has also given us the great Holy Spirit who helps us in our weaknesses as we maneuver everyday life. Every girl needs to hear this and experience it in great measure on a personal level. Pink Impact is that platform that ushers each girl to that place of fulfillment.

Through one on one coffee meetings, open door policy to phone calls and ultimately hosting big meetings/conferences, Pink Impact is able to meet the needs of each person in a phenomenal way, empowering believers to be a blessing in their local churches and communities.

Based in Brisbane, Australia Pink Impact continues to impact women and girls across Australia and beyond as more ministry partners and volunteers step in to be a blessing. You can be that blessing too today!

Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life emerges!

2 Corinthians 5:16-17 Message Bible


We host four (4) free annual Conferences namely Soaking Meeting, Encounter Weekend, Refresh Toowoomba and Pink Conference. These meetings are a hub of connecting, influence, impact and transformation. By taping into the gifts within the body of Christ, these meetings continue to grow through counselling, delivering rich new creation teachings and ministry of the Holy Spirit


Outside public meetings we meet women and girls in need through one on one sessions. These meetings are valuable and rich. we receive several praise reports regarding these small meetings. More of these meetings will help many girls and women currently suffering from depression, loneliness and many other ills. Empowering us to continue with these will help us someone come out of a place of isolation.


Our Worship team, which comprises of worshippers from several denominations, has been a blessing to the body of Christ through invitations to minister at meetings. Through this, Pink Impact is able to support ministries that are impacting their communities but do not have seasoned worship teams, or would like to rest their teams. Contact us to engage our team for your next meeting.


A lot of younger girls in their teens and early twenties have been reaching out needing support and possibly engagement after every several weeks. This ministry will be taking off in 2024 with a focus on engaging smaller groups for seminar type of meetings and ministry. Through this we will be able to influence, impact and inspire each girl to reach their potential


Our ministry is practically free to every woman and girl although it costs us time and money to deliver. To make this possible, we engage in several fundraising initiatives. By giving a regular donation, you empower us to continue meeting women and girls one-on-one over coffee and deliver ministry extensively in various ways to many people.

Pastor Thembi

“We do not live as those without help. The Helper, the Holy Ghost indwells us, to give us the assistance we need.”