Encounter Weekend 2024

from $300.00
  1. Accommodation & Meals at Maroochydore Waterfront Camp and Conference Centre

  2. $320 Fee is for a single person, Twin Share c/w bathroom, fridge & meals

  3. $420 Fee is for a single person, Single Occupancy, c/w bathroom, fridge & meals. (Scroll down and book)

Terms & Conditions

  1. Full Payment Online while booking (Recommended)

  2. Two part payments can be arranged if you cannot make a one off full payment. Contact Pink Impact on Email office@pinkimpact.life and state the dates you will make the payments. Pink Impact will reserve a spot for you

  3. Refunds - No refunds will be made 4 weeks before commencement of event. 50% refund when requested more than 4 weeks before event.

  1. Accommodation & Meals at Maroochydore Waterfront Camp and Conference Centre

  2. $320 Fee is for a single person, Twin Share c/w bathroom, fridge & meals

  3. $420 Fee is for a single person, Single Occupancy, c/w bathroom, fridge & meals. (Scroll down and book)

Terms & Conditions

  1. Full Payment Online while booking (Recommended)

  2. Two part payments can be arranged if you cannot make a one off full payment. Contact Pink Impact on Email office@pinkimpact.life and state the dates you will make the payments. Pink Impact will reserve a spot for you

  3. Refunds - No refunds will be made 4 weeks before commencement of event. 50% refund when requested more than 4 weeks before event.